May 4th – May 31st
Artist Statment:
Nature’s Resilience is simply the key to our very existence. The earth with its rich and diverse bounty and our Oceans which may save us all in the end due to Climate Change are what sustain us. I found this out as I was Learning my trade as an artist and have extended this search to the Oceans. It seems each day we are feeling our equilibrium askew with a continuing barrage from outside sources that affect much more than we ever imagined. I am exploring the forests both on earth and below the oceans. It’s almost unreal in its intensity and disturbance. No matter who or where you are from, something new and awful has occurred to us all. My way of responding is to find a way to try and live my life to its fullest and appreciate how beautiful it can be by doing my art. And- at the same time stay connected and try for change! Time will tell where it all settles. Nature and what it brings to our daily lives is the ultimate healer. These monotype, dry points, intaglio etchings , and a few watercolors will center on this experience and hopefully bring a sense of stillness and quietude to the viewer. That is my hope.
PLEASE NOTE: walk-ins are welcome for the gallery.