September 3-28, 2015
This September, Hope and Feathers Framing introduces Five by Five, a group show featuring the works of Amanda Barrow, Scout Cuomo, Isabel Margolin, B.Z. Reily, and Jane Thurber. In celebration of our fifth year in business, we asked five of our favorite artists who have shown in the gallery over the past five years to create five new works inspired by one of the five elements. An opening reception will be held on Thursday, September 3. 2015 from 5:00 to 8:00pm in conjunction with the Amherst Art Walk. The show will run from September 3rd through the 28th, 2015. The public is also invited to attend an anniversary celebration in the Hope and Feathers side lot, featuring a free performance by And the Kids, and tacos from the Taco Tina Food Truck by Mission Cantina.
This exhibition not only showcases unique interpretations of the elements, but also the diverse styles and mediums used by these featured artists. Utilizing print making, Amanda Barrow addresses the element of metal. In paint, Scout Cuomo studies water. Building mosaics, Isabel Margolin depicts fire. With assemblage and sculpture, B.Z. Reily manifests wood. Through collage, Jane Thurber examines earth and soil.