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PVPA Student Works 2018

May 3rd – June 2nd

An exhibition of artworks made by PVPA students during the 2017-2018 school year.

These works explore a diverse array of themes, subjects, materials, and methods; unified by the ambition and vision of these young creatives. Hope & Feathers and PVPA are proud to showcase this selection of emerging valley artists.

Exhibiting students include: Galia Pakman Arrojo, Josephine Boneceto, Brianna Clark, Alex Chase, Emma Demerath, Sarah Edler, Noa Miller, Vivian Mitchell, Analua Alencar Moreira, Leonardo Vance Udell, Alarice Wohlers, Eva Weigand Whittier.

Opening reception: Thursday, May 3rd, 5-8pm, during Amherst Arts Night Plus.

About PVPA:
Pioneer Valley Performing Arts Charter Public School (PVPA) is a regional public charter school serving 400 students in grades 7-12, from over 60 towns throughout western Massachusetts. Their mission is to offer students intensive exposure to the performing arts within the context of an excellent college preparatory curriculum. The goal of PVPA is to provide students with a supportive and challenging environment that is responsive to multiple learning styles, emphasizes learning through the arts, and integrates creative and critical thinking throughout the curriculum. www.pvpa.org

Image: details from Reading Palms by Emma Demerath, Untitled by Brianna Clark, Light by Noa Miller

Artist Statements

Galia Pakman Arrojo
Galia is an 8th grader at PVPA who hopes to further explore the visual arts department in high school. She loves experimenting with new mediums, but is ultimately most comfortable with pen, pencil, paints and doodling all over her math homework. She is very excited to be a part of this showing.

Josephine Boneceto
Josephine is a Sophomore at PVPA currently living in rural Leverett. She tends to work with many different mediums including watercolor, marker, ink, and the occasional magazine clipping or other form of material to spice things up. Josephine hopes to attend MassArt after graduating PVPA in order to continue learning the skills needed to write and illustrate her very own comic that she has been dreaming up and developing for years.

Brianna Clark
Brianna is a 8th grader at PVPA currently living in Holyoke she enjoys kpop and anything. She has had a passion for art since kindergarten. She has one cat and loves BTS she has been a fan since 2012 they are the inspiration for most of her art work.

Alex Chase
Alex is a Junior who resides in Greenfield. Alex has studied a wide range of media working in both 2D and 3 Dimensional mediums through her years at PVPA.

Emma Demerath
Emma is a junior at PVPA who enjoys stand-up comedy specials and painting (usually at the same time). She plans on attending the School of the Art Institute of Chicago’s art program this summer to further her passion for painting. She is very grateful to Hope & Feathers and to her teachers for this amazing experience.

Sarah Edler
Sarah is an aspiring young artist that enjoys drawing various subjects. Regardless if it is a simple sketch or a fully developed painting, she pours her heart into everything she makes. She’s been drawing and painting since she was old enough to hold a pencil and brush and has been working with digital media for the last 3 years. Sarah is in 8th grade and is still exploring where her artwork will lead her in the future.

Noa Greer Miller
Noa is in love with western-mass, luckily, lives there too. She is inspired by the album Blue by Joni Mitchell (perhaps a little too much,) the process of making gumbo, and shampooing loved ones; surprisingly enough, her art tends to stay within the realms of wobbly college campuses, hands, and naked women. She would like to continue making art until she no longer needs to. She thanks her mothers, her teachers, and her friends for everything.

Analua Alencar Moreira
Lua is a 9th grader at PVPA who has been drawing since she first picked up a crayon. She is thrilled to have her work shown in a gallery for the first time! A Belchertown resident, she likes to write and learn about social justice when she isn’t creating works of visual art.

Vivian Mitchell
Vivian is a Junior at PVPA who resides in Amherst, after graduation Vivian hopes to Major in illustration at MassArt in boston. She’s currently most comfortable using graphite, ink, and watercolors, but would like to one day use thick buttery oil paint. Vivian is dedicated to the gay agenda, and according to the pamphlet she received in the mail after coming out to her parents, the first step to corrupting straight capitalism is by making as much queer art as her grubby little gay hands can muster.

Leonardo Vance Udell
Leo is a Sophomore at PVPA who resides in South Hadley, he hopes to attend MassArt after graduation. His favorite medium to work in is watercolor, pen, pencil and marker. Along with art he enjoys writing music and fantastically weird stories. One day Leo hopes to be a professional techie, artist or underpaid barista.

Alarice Wohlers
Ali is an 8th grade student who lives in Granby. Ali has taken numerous visual art and fashion clases in her first 2 years at PVPA and is currently enrolled in the Mixed Media course.

Eva Weigand-Whittier
Eva is a ninth grader at PVPA who lives in Northampton with her mothers, brother, and four cats. She loves drawing with pencil and pastels. She also loves rhubarb pie, and likes to experiment with new types of art.

Give a Sh*t: Printmakers Creating Work with a Social Message

January 29th – February 24th

Taking a stand, inspiring a conversation… showing that you give a shit. Printmakers create work with a social message.

Talented printmakers from western Massachusetts and beyond answered our call for politically-leaning art. With artist and printmaker B.Z. Reily, we curated the work of twenty-seven artists expressing themselves through their art on a variety of current social and political issues, in a range of printmaking techniques, including: intaglio, relief, screen prints, letterpress, monotype, collagraph, and mixed media.

The work in this powerful show addresses such topics as climate change, the environment, gun control, gender issues, immigration, reproductive health, political figures, feminism, and more.

Please join us for the opening reception on Thursday, February 1st, 5-8pm, during Amherst’s Arts Night Plus.

Joan Appel

Amanda Barrow

Anne Beresford

Annie Bissett

Peter Cangialosi

Bruce Chandler

Daniel Chiaccio

Madeline Conover

Erin Cunliffe

Madge Evers

Kelly Garabadian

Nancy Haver

Sara Inacio & Emma Wolfsohn

Eli Liebman

Haley McDevitt

Scott Minzy

Nolan O’Connell

Zack Pinson

B.Z. Reily

Julie Lapping Rivera

Terry Rooney

Hope Rovelto & Kate Katomski

Richard Turnbull

Clover Ulrich

Jaime Wing

Artist Bios:

Joan Appel, Marshfield, MA
Joan is a professional musician and under the name of Joan Nahigian, teaches piano, directs choruses, provides music for the Linden Ponds retirement community Sunday services and gives concerts. As Joan Appel, she creates art: monotypes, oil paintings, mixed media. She is a member of the National Association of Women Artists. 

Amanda Barrow, Easthampton, MA
Amanda was raised in the Midwest by a social worker and an Episcopalian priest, in an environment conducive to creativity and abstract thinking. In 1992, a Fulbright research grant provided an opportunity for her to live and work in India for 13 months. She has returned to India many times since then, funded by fellowships from the Massachusetts Cultural Council, Boston Cultural Council, and a host of other institutions. At present, she lives/works in Massachusetts, New York City and Maine. Her work is in the collections of the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the Boston and New York Public Libraries, and the Museum of the Book in the Netherlands, among numerous other places around the world.

Anne Beresford, Leverett, MA
Anne holds a BA from Harvard University and an MA from New York University. She has taught printmaking and painting at The Art Institute of Boston, Zea Mays Printmaking in Florence and Harvard University. She was awarded a MacDowell Fellowship in 2015. Her most recent solo exhibition was Ten Thousand Wonderful Things: A Conversation with the Collections, at the University Museum of Contemporary Art, UMass Amherst. (2015).

Annie Bissett, Northampton, MA
Annie has been working primarily with Japanese-style woodblock prints since 2005, when she studied briefly with New England woodblock artist Matt Brown. Annie’s print work builds on her 25+ year career as a freelance digital illustrator, serving a clientele that has included Time-Life Publications, National Geographic Society, and the Wall Street Journal. Her prints have been exhibited throughout the US, in the UK, Canada, and Japan. She is a member of Oxbow Gallery in Northampton and is an instructor at Zea Mays Printmaking Studio in Florence.

Peter Cangialosi, Easthampton, MA
Peter is a printmaker and graphic designer. Several of his landscape monotypes are part of The Boston Athenaeum’s New England Prints and Photographs permanent collection. He’s a graduate of the Rhode Island School of Design and his work has appeared in various locations around the Pioneer Valley. He is available for commissioned woodblock and monotype prints.

Bruce Chandler, Springfield, MA
Bruce is a printmaker/printer. He studied drawing and sculpture at Boston University (BFA:1970); printmaking with George Lockwood at Impressions Workshop, Boston; letterpress printing with Harold McGrath at The Gehenna Press in Northampton, and was a graphics assistant to Leonard Baskin at the press and in Devonshire, England. The Heron Press is a vehicle for his printed work, often in collaboration with other artists.

Daniel Chiaccio, Easthampton, MA
Dan is a printmaker who focuses primarily on copper plate intaglio. He has a BFA in Illustration and Printmaking from New Hampshire Institute of Art.

Madeline Conover, Washington, DC
Madeleine is an emerging artist. Born in Changzhou, China and adopted to the United States as an infant, she currently works in Western Massachusetts where she attended the University of Massachusetts, Amherst and studied Studio Art and Sustainable Food & Farming. Her work seeks to explore the unique intersection of the arts and agriculture. Conover focuses primarily in relief and intaglio printmaking, painting, collage, 35mm photography, and writing.

Erin Cunliffe, Terryville, CT
Erin is a freelance illustrator and printmaker. She received a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in Illustration and a Bachelor of Arts in Art History from the University of Hartford’s Hartford Art School. She draws her inspiration from stories and characters she created during her childhood. Current politics and pop culture are also big inspirations to her. She is currently working on a series of relief style prints called “FIGHT LIKE a GIRL” highlighting inspirational women and their words of empowerment.

Madge Evers, Haydenville, MA
In her early years, Madge was a fine arts photographer with an interest portraiture and the human form. Her current work originates with her passion for the garden where she cultivates the mushroom variety Stropharia rugoso-annulata. When not making spore prints, Madge can be found teaching high school English, or somewhere in the garden.

Kelly Garabadian, Marlborough, MA
Kelly’s work spans a wide range of artistic mediums including photography, fiber arts, printmaking, and digital art. Her work is fueled by her curiosity and desire to always be learning. She is mostly self-taught, but currently taking classes toward her Master of Education with concentration in Visual Arts.

Nancy Haver, Amherst, MA
A member of the Boston Printmakers and Zea Mays Printmaking in Florence, Nancy has exhibited her work at a variety of venues in the Northeast. She taught drawing, illustration, and relief printmaking at the University of Massachusetts and Holyoke Community College for twelve years and has taught the same subjects privately. She tries to spend as much time as possible outdoors, and enjoy hiking, bicycling, jogging, ukulele and tap dancing.

Sara Inacio & Emma Wolfsohn, Portland, ME
Ears and Hands Collective is a group of printmakers and socially engaged artists striving to forge connections and encourage conversation around current events through open dialogue and collaborative art making. Our goal is to foster empathy through listening and responding to one another and the world around us.

Eli Liebman, Northampton, MA
Eli is an apprentice at Stonepool Pottery in Worthington, and a part-time printmaker. He graduated from Macalester College in Saint Paul, MN in 2015, where he studied applied math and ecology. Other prints and pottery can be found on his website.

Haley McDevitt, Amherst, MA
Haley is an emerging artist. She is pursuing a Bachelor of the Fine Arts in Studio Arts at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Haley’s paintings and prints typically focus on themes including memories, feminism, and residences while utilizing found or recycled materials.

Scott Minzy, Gardiner, ME
Scott makes artist’s books, relief prints and animations that deal with the universal themes of fear, regret and longing. His past life in public relations and corporate sales has led him to seek a less jaded but more authentic life in the state of his birth. As a result, he earned his Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Southern Maine and teaches fine art and digital media at Erskine Academy as well as in his studio in Gardiner, Maine.

Nolan O’Connell, Hampstead, NH
Nolan focuses on woodcut and linoleum relief printmaking. The content of his work reflects the culture upon which he was raised in as well as his love for science and space exploration. He has studied under professional printmakers in Portsmouth, NH as well as Florence, Italy and has graduated from the New Hampshire Institute of Art. He lives happily in Southern New Hampshire where he leads workshops in relief printmaking.

Zack Pinson, Northampton, MA
Zack was born and raised in Arkansas and now lives in western MA. Lover of pizza.

B.Z. Reily, Cooleyville, MA
B.Z. is a mixed media artist working primarily in sculpture, assemblage, and collage. She is an art educator and a member of the Oxbow Gallery and Zea Mays Printmaking in Northampton. She has shown her work throughout the northeast in galleries and museums.

Julie Lapping Rivera, Leverett, MA
Julie is a collage artist and printmaker. Her work has been exhibited both locally and nationally. She is a member and teacher at Zea Mays Printmaking Studio and an art teacher with the Amherst Public Schools. Previously she lived in New York, where she worked as a teaching artist with Studio in a School, the Museum of Modern Art and Lincoln Center Institute. She is the recipient of numerous grants and awards including an Artist’s Fellowship from the New York Foundation for the Arts and Arts in Education grants from New York Foundation for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Arts.

Terry Rooney, Amherst, MA
Terry was born in NYC in the shadow of the Statue of Liberty. Educated at FIT, Art Students League and apprenticed with artist Elizabeth Murray and founder of The New Museum, Marcia Tucker, while receiving her Bachelor degree in Fine Arts from SUNY Empire State College.. Her artwork has been exhibited nationally and internationally, with her artwork in private and public collections.

Hope Rovelto & Kate Katomski, Portland, ME
Hope earned her BFA in sculpture from Maine College of Art and her MFA in Ceramics from Rochester Institute of Technology. She is most currently the owner of Little Chair Printing, a custom screen-printing shop in Portland ME, works part-time as an Admission Counselor for Maine College of Art, and is an Artist Member at Pickwick Independence Studios in Portland.

Kate is a multimedia artist and educator whose interdisciplinary experience includes sculpture, printmaking, performance, video and installation. She received a MFA in Studio Art at Maine College of Art (2002). She received a BFA in Ceramics with a minor in Textiles from the University of Washington (1985). Richard Turnbull, Northampton, MA www.furiousdaypress.com Rich is an art historian who also makes prints, artists’ books and experimental photography. He lives and works in both New York and Northampton.

Clover Ulrich, Amherst, MA
Clover is currently a junior at Vanderbilt University At Vanderbilt her major is Medicine, Health, and Society and the themes and topics she has explored during her studies have impacted and inspired her printmaking work. She is also a Studio Art minor, and this past semester took her very first printmaking class and produced the work in this show.

Jaime Wing, Portland, ME
Jaime is an artist, designer, printmaker and UMass alumnus. A member of the Pickwick Independent Press in his hometown of Portland, Maine, he is passionate about community and social justice work. With a focus on texture and the tactile nature of relief printmaking, he is most interested in making work around themes of identity, sexuality and mental health, usually using text or abstract imagery alongside the human form.

On Shelves: Alice Briggs, Amherst, MA
Alice has been a professional illustrator her entire working life. After graduating from Bennington College she went to the Museum School in Boston, having decided that a career in art would be better than life in a practice room. There she discovered she was an illustrator and got jobs right away as a freelancer.

It’s Pastel!

November 2nd – 25th

The work of three artist friends, Sally Dillon, Susanne Personette, and Ruth Rinard, who share a love of painting in soft pastels. The title was inspired by the answer they often find themselves giving to viewers of their work who inquire: “What is that? Is it oil paint?”

Sally says,” The pastels themselves — and the simplicity of using them — are as inspiring as whatever scene I am painting. The method of applying color is direct and every mark can vary in size and intensity. With an infinite number of colors and textural possibilities, I feel like a kid again, making bright colored marks with pastel on sanded paper. Pastels are such fun! Who could ask for more?”

Susanne says: “For as long as I remember, my eye has been caught by the color of light and color of shadow in nature. Pastels are the most richly satisfying way for me to joyfully respond to what I see. I am thrilled by the intensity, vibrancy, and purity of these colors and their intensely tactile application to sanded paper. Pastels are deeply colorful, completely engaging, generously forgiving, and incredibly flexible.”

Ruth says: “I have always felt a deep connection to the visual world, and I’ve drawn since childhood. It is only within the last ten years, though, that I found the medium that allows me to fully express what I both see and feel. When I am drawn to an object or scene, I want to explore what makes it special and worth observing, what qualities might be easily overlooked or passed by. A shape, a color, a line, or a mood — all can compel me to see and explore with awe in pastel.”

An opening reception will be held on Thursday, November 2nd, during Amherst Arts Night Plus, from 5pm to 8pm.

About Sally Dillon:
Sally has been a fiber artist for more than 40 years, specializing in hand-painted silk and more recently felted wool.  After retiring from the craft fair circuit a few years ago, she decided to try her hand at some more traditional artist’s materials and techniques, and fell in love with pastels. 

About Susanne Personette:
Susanne has been drawing, painting, and studying art since childhood. In the midst of a 30+ year career in architecture, taking a pastel workshop was the “eureka moment” when she found “her” medium.  Painting as often as possible during the past ten years of her career, her recent retirement finds her eagerly pursuing her passion for plein air painting in pastel.

About Ruth Rinard:
After careers in academe and health sciences, Ruth became intrigued with the freshness of pure pigment and the tactile possibilities of pastel. When she realized she could use her drawing skills within the painterly framework of pastel, she never looked back! Ruth has studied painting with Christine Labich and exhibited work with the Connecticut and New Hampshire pastel societies.