Galia Pakman Arrojo
Galia is an 8th grader at PVPA who hopes to further explore the visual arts department in high school. She loves experimenting with new mediums, but is ultimately most comfortable with pen, pencil, paints and doodling all over her math homework. She is very excited to be a part of this showing.
Josephine Boneceto
Josephine is a Sophomore at PVPA currently living in rural Leverett. She tends to work with many different mediums including watercolor, marker, ink, and the occasional magazine clipping or other form of material to spice things up. Josephine hopes to attend MassArt after graduating PVPA in order to continue learning the skills needed to write and illustrate her very own comic that she has been dreaming up and developing for years.
Brianna Clark
Brianna is a 8th grader at PVPA currently living in Holyoke she enjoys kpop and anything. She has had a passion for art since kindergarten. She has one cat and loves BTS she has been a fan since 2012 they are the inspiration for most of her art work.
Alex Chase
Alex is a Junior who resides in Greenfield. Alex has studied a wide range of media working in both 2D and 3 Dimensional mediums through her years at PVPA.
Emma Demerath
Emma is a junior at PVPA who enjoys stand-up comedy specials and painting (usually at the same time). She plans on attending the School of the Art Institute of Chicago’s art program this summer to further her passion for painting. She is very grateful to Hope & Feathers and to her teachers for this amazing experience.
Sarah Edler
Sarah is an aspiring young artist that enjoys drawing various subjects. Regardless if it is a simple sketch or a fully developed painting, she pours her heart into everything she makes. She’s been drawing and painting since she was old enough to hold a pencil and brush and has been working with digital media for the last 3 years. Sarah is in 8th grade and is still exploring where her artwork will lead her in the future.
Noa Greer Miller
Noa is in love with western-mass, luckily, lives there too. She is inspired by the album Blue by Joni Mitchell (perhaps a little too much,) the process of making gumbo, and shampooing loved ones; surprisingly enough, her art tends to stay within the realms of wobbly college campuses, hands, and naked women. She would like to continue making art until she no longer needs to. She thanks her mothers, her teachers, and her friends for everything.
Analua Alencar Moreira
Lua is a 9th grader at PVPA who has been drawing since she first picked up a crayon. She is thrilled to have her work shown in a gallery for the first time! A Belchertown resident, she likes to write and learn about social justice when she isn’t creating works of visual art.
Vivian Mitchell
Vivian is a Junior at PVPA who resides in Amherst, after graduation Vivian hopes to Major in illustration at MassArt in boston. She’s currently most comfortable using graphite, ink, and watercolors, but would like to one day use thick buttery oil paint. Vivian is dedicated to the gay agenda, and according to the pamphlet she received in the mail after coming out to her parents, the first step to corrupting straight capitalism is by making as much queer art as her grubby little gay hands can muster.
Leonardo Vance Udell
Leo is a Sophomore at PVPA who resides in South Hadley, he hopes to attend MassArt after graduation. His favorite medium to work in is watercolor, pen, pencil and marker. Along with art he enjoys writing music and fantastically weird stories. One day Leo hopes to be a professional techie, artist or underpaid barista.
Alarice Wohlers
Ali is an 8th grade student who lives in Granby. Ali has taken numerous visual art and fashion clases in her first 2 years at PVPA and is currently enrolled in the Mixed Media course.
Eva Weigand-Whittier
Eva is a ninth grader at PVPA who lives in Northampton with her mothers, brother, and four cats. She loves drawing with pencil and pastels. She also loves rhubarb pie, and likes to experiment with new types of art.